Wonderdull, Wonderdulldrum
Wonderdull: Adjective
Related Words:
- Having the supposed or intended quality of wonderful, but in actual practice or in reality, being extremely dull, boring, or monotonous. This meaning is often used facetiously or ironically.
- The quality of being astonishingly boring to the point of wonderment or being amazingly dull. This meaning is used straight-up, neat, or on the rocks.
- "My first day back to work was wonderdull."
- "The blind date had no *moment* either good or bad. At best we can say it was wonderdull."
- "That lengthy task went wonderdully well."
- "She was truly Ms. Wonderdull, exiting her home only to acquire more cat food for her feline flat-mates."
This word is most often found as a typographical error or slip of the tongue with humorous or ironic effect. I have fallen into the habit of using it intentionally for many a banal event.
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