coldfusion install cf8 iis7
cf8 iis7 cf8 only has connectors for iis6
basic solution - add iis 6 compatibility under Control Panel > Programs and Features >
[On left hand sidebar] Turn Windows Features On Or Off
Hey all,
I'm running Vista Ultimate 64 bit. I installed IIS 7, which seems to work
fine, then I installed ColdFusion 8, the new 64 bit version. Installation
seemed to go fine, but when it tried to run the CF Admin setup program - you
know, when it runs it for the first time it takes a couple minutes to
initialize the server - I get an IIS 7 403 error:
HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found
The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension
configuration. If the page is a script, add a handler. If the file should be
downloaded, add a MIME map.
Fair enough, right? I checked IIS and there's no CFM file handler, or
connector, or anything. Ok, next step then is to run the Web Server Config
Tool. The connector list is empty. When I try to add my IIS server to the CF
connectors, it doesn't let me pick my IIS web site (because it found none),
and the OK button is disabled.
Anybody have any troubleshooting advice before I switch to Apache? I would
really rather use IIS7.
nathan strutz
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asha kasala
05/16/2008 05:19 AM
Looks like coldfusion couldn't configure IIS properly during installation.Could
you please check the following:
1)Check if IIS is started in services and port 80(or any port on which IIS is
running)is not being used by any other process.
2)Goto controlpanel->Administrative tools->IIS manager and check the site
to which you are configuring to (say Default Website ) is running.
3)Goto controlpanel->Programs and Features->Turn Windows features on or off
under IIS ->Web Management Tools select all check boxes under IIS6
Management Compatibility.
Please restart IIS after that and try configuring IIS through wsconfig.
If you have any further queries please mail to
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Nathan Strutz
05/17/2008 02:26 AM
Everyone, thanks for the help. I would have replied sooner, but, oh wow,
what a bad week :(
Asha, your item # 3 was exactly the problem. I did not have the IIS 6
compatibility stuff installed. I didn't realize that was important...
Strange that it's required to make the connector work with IIS 7. Meh. new
technology. Jason's link to the article at communitymx also details the
process with screenshots on page 2.
Thanks, everybody.
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Andrew Scott
05/16/2008 11:41 AM
There are 2 caveats when installing Coldfusion 8.01, and it has to be
Coldfusion8.01 to work under 64bit Vista.
I fell into this trap big time, searched high and low for the answer as well.
The solution is first, MUST run Coldfusion installer as an
administrator. Otherwise the connectors will not get installed.
Secondly, if you have done that and still get the problem. You will
need to check your application pool settings and see if has 32bit
enabled. If it has then you need to run the connector setup as an
administrator, set it up to IIS as usual but select 32 bit coldfusion
(or whatever it is labeld as ).
If you are not aware of these 2 issues, you will not even know about
the problem.
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Jason Durham
05/16/2008 11:49 AM
I just went through a similar problem with 404.3 on a fresh install of
Vista, IIS7 and CF8. When I tried to add the handler for .cfc/.cfm, IIS
said that a CGI or ISAPI module must be installed first. I had to go
back and add all of the Web Management Tools for IIS7 (Programs and
Features>Turn windows features on or off>IIS>Web Management Tools).
After adding the tools, I was able to add the handlers and CF Admin
loaded fine.
Hey all,
I'm running Vista Ultimate 64 bit. I installed IIS 7, which seems to
fine, then I installed ColdFusion 8, the new 64 bit version.
seemed to go fine, but when it tried to run the CF Admin setup program -
know, when it runs it for the first time it takes a couple minutes to
initialize the server - I get an IIS 7 403 error:
HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found
The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension
configuration. If the page is a script, add a handler. If the file
should be
downloaded, add a MIME map.
Fair enough, right? I checked IIS and there's no CFM file handler, or
connector, or anything. Ok, next step then is to run the Web Server
Tool. The connector list is empty. When I try to add my IIS server to
the CF
connectors, it doesn't let me pick my IIS web site (because it found
and the OK button is disabled.
Anybody have any troubleshooting advice before I switch to Apache? I
really rather use IIS7.
nathan strutz
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Jason Durham
05/16/2008 11:50 AM
This is where I found my info...
Hey all,
I'm running Vista Ultimate 64 bit. I installed IIS 7, which seems to
fine, then I installed ColdFusion 8, the new 64 bit version.
seemed to go fine, but when it tried to run the CF Admin setup program -
know, when it runs it for the first time it takes a couple minutes to
initialize the server - I get an IIS 7 403 error:
HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found
The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension
configuration. If the page is a script, add a handler. If the file
should be
downloaded, add a MIME map.
Fair enough, right? I checked IIS and there's no CFM file handler, or
connector, or anything. Ok, next step then is to run the Web Server
Tool. The connector list is empty. When I try to add my IIS server to
the CF
connectors, it doesn't let me pick my IIS web site (because it found
and the OK button is disabled.
Anybody have any troubleshooting advice before I switch to Apache? I
really rather use IIS7.
nathan strutz
added them and it still is not fixed.
Under Handler Mappings, I have entries for:
They are all marked as "ENABLED", "FILE" (Path Type), "LOCAL" (Entry Type) and "ISAPIMODULE" (Handler)
They all point to:
I think the reason why it's not working is that I'm running 64-bit. I was told that to run CF8 on a 64-bit OS, you have to use the Standalone server rather than integrating it with IIS.
I did that and CF8 is up and running. A couple qwerks still, but I'm working on resolving it. I hate the fact that Vista doesn't consider administrative accounts as having the proper administrative rights.
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